Review Top 4 Shopify Landing Page Builders

Review Top 4 Shopify Landing Page Builders

Let's face it: running a Shopify store is all about getting those sales rolling. Guess what's like the ultimate closer in the eCommerce world? Landing pages!Ā 

We're talking conversion rates that can skyrocket up to 55% ā€“ that's a serious jump!

But here's the thing: Shopify's built-in design tools can feel a bit primitive when crafting a conversion-crazy Shoify landing page. Limited layouts, restricted customizability, and enhancing key sales elements can be a real struggle.

That's where Shopify landing page builders come in.Ā 

These handy apps take away the design roadblocks and let you create landing pages laser-focused on turning visitors into customers. We're talking drag-and-drop ease, tons of customization options, and all the features to make your offers irresistible.Ā 

So buckle up, because we're about to show you how landing page builders can turn your Shopify store into a conversion machine!

Full Review of Top 4 Shopify Landing Page Builders

Choosing the right Shopify landing page builder goes beyond just ease of use, features, budget, and design flexibility. To truly maximize your conversions, consider the following criteria:

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Tutorial videos are what you should look for when choosing the best solution - apart from demos, blog posts, and help center. (Image source: Foxify Tutorial videos)Ā 

Learning Curve: While ease of use is crucial, consider how beginner-friendly the builder truly is. Look for intuitive interfaces, detailed tutorials, and readily available support to quickly get newbies up and running.

Shopify Landing Page Builders
Which support channel do you prefer? Live chat support or self-service portal? (Image source: Whatfix)

Customer Support: Even the most user-friendly builder might require occasional assistance. Evaluate the quality of customer support offered by the builder. Look for options like live chat, email support, and a comprehensive knowledge base filled with tutorials and troubleshooting guides. Don't underestimate the importance of prompt and helpful support, especially when optimizing your Shopify landing page for peak performance.

Shopify Landing Page Builders

Image source: Foxify

Template Library: Variety is important, but quality reigns supreme. Explore the range of templates offered, focusing on designs that are modern, responsive (mobile-friendly), and cater to your specific industry or product type. Can you easily customize the templates to match your brand identity?

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Image source: Ankit Bagga

Conversion Optimization Features: This is where the magic happens. Look for Shopify landing page builders that offer built-in A/B testing to compare different versions of your Shopify landing page and see what resonates best with your audience. Pop-ups can be powerful tools for capturing leads or enticing last-minute purchases, so check if the builder provides them with customizable options. Heatmaps, which visually display visitor behaviour, can offer valuable insights into how to optimize your Shopify landing page layout for better conversions.

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Image source: Shopify App Store

Integrations: A seamless connection with your existing marketing tools is key. Ensure the builder integrates with your email marketing platform or analytics software to streamline your workflow and track campaign performance effectively.

That's enough said. Let's delve into each of the 4 Shopify landing page builders with us.Ā 

Foxify Smart Page Builder

Foxify is a solid option for Shopify users, particularly those new to building landing pages and prioritizing conversion optimization. The user-friendly interface, conversion-focused templates, and seamless theme integration make it an attractive choice. However, if you are on a tight budget, you might want to explore other Shopify landing page builders with more features or generous free plans.

šŸ„³ Visit Shopify landing page templates by Foxify here.Ā 


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Image source: Foxify

Ease of Use: Foxify boasts a drag-and-drop interface that prides itself on being intuitive, particularly for beginners. This can be a major plus point for those who are new to building a Shopify landing page.

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Ā Image source: Foxify Demo

Conversion-Oriented Templates: Foxify offers a library of 90+ high-converting templates crafted by UI/UX experts. These templates are specifically geared toward maximizing conversions and engagements, which is crucial for any Shopify landing page.

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Image source: Foxify

Beyond drag-and-drop design, its AI-driven content creation and generation can help you craft compelling product descriptions and landing page copy in seconds. The built-in translation tool, Fox Magic, lets you instantly translate your entire store into any language. This saves you time and resources, allowing you to focus on what matters most: growing your business.

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Image source: Foxify

Consistent Branding: Achieving a cohesive brand identity across your entire Shopify store is crucial for professionalism and customer trust, and Foxify's Global Styles does just that easily. All you need to do is define your brand's color palette, typography, and button styles within the intuitive interface. These styles are then automatically applied throughout your store, ensuring consistent branding on every page and saving you valuable time.Ā 

Shopify Landing Page Builders

Image source: Foxify

Engaging Shopping Experience: Foxify offers the flexibility to add dynamic and static theme sections. Breathe life into your store with dynamic sections like the Featured Products section showcasing your bestsellers, or the New Arrivals section keeping customers engaged with the latest offerings. For more tailored messaging, utilize static ones. Create a custom About Us section detailing your brand story or a Customer Testimonials section to build trust and social proof.Ā Ā 

Shopify Landing Page Builders

Image source: JS Sports Prints

Theme Compatibility: Unlike some Shopify landing page builders, Foxify integrates seamlessly with all Shopify themes. This allows for easy use and customization without worrying about conflicts with your existing theme.

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Image source: Foxify

Advanced Analytics: Foxify goes beyond just building a Shopify landing page; it provides valuable data on their performance. You'll be able to track metrics like views, conversion rates, and sales generated by each Shopify landing page built with Foxify, helping you optimize for better results.

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Image source: Foxify

Upsell, Cross-Sell & Marketing Extensions: Foxify includes functions to encourage upselling and cross-selling,boosting your average order value (AOV), including Recently Viewed Products, Product Bundles, and Volume Discounts. It also seamlessly integrates with major email marketing platforms like Omnisend and Klaviyo to help you turn transactions with customers into productive long-term relationships.Ā 

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Image source: Foxify

Mobile Responsive By Default: All Foxify templates and sections are responsive by default to help your business thrive without barriers. Use the device mode selector at the top of the editor to preview and customize your Shopify landing page in 4 common screen sizes (desktop/ laptop/ tablet/ mobile).


Foxify offers a 7-day free trial with a limitation of 3 published pages. However, if store owners need more time to test all features, youā€™re welcome to contact their support for a generous trial extension.Ā 

šŸ”„Read more: How to Create a Shopify Landing Page that Converts

PageFly Shopify Page Builder

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Image source: PageFly

PageFly is an excellent choice for Shopify users who prioritize user-friendliness, a generous free plan to experiment with, and a good range of conversion-oriented features. The drag-and-drop interface makes creating a Shopify landing page easy, and 24/7 customer support ensures you're never alone. However, if highly customized designs or advanced SEO functionalities are paramount, you might want to explore other options.

šŸ„³ Visit Shopify landing page templates by PageFly here.


Shopify Landing Page Builders

Image source: PageFly

Beginner-Friendly: PageFly shines with its intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Even those with no coding experience can create a professional-looking Shopify landing page with relative ease. The clean interface and clear instructions make the learning curve manageable.

Shopify Landing Page Builders

One slot is equal to one published page/ section. (Image source: PageFly)

Generous Free Plan: Unlike some competitors, PageFly offers a free plan with surprising functionality. You can create a Shopify landing page, publish it to your store, and even access basic analytics without spending a dime. This is perfect for trying it out before committing.

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PageFly provides over 390 section templates for various purposes and industries. (Image source: PageFly)

Wide Range of Features: PageFly goes beyond basic page building. It offers features like pop-ups, sections (reusable page elements), A/B testing (in paid plans), and integrations with various marketing tools. This allows for a comprehensive approach to creating and optimizing landing pages.

Shopify Landing Page Builders

Image source: PageFly

Mobile Responsiveness: In today's mobile-first world, PageFly ensures your Shopify landing page looks great and functions flawlessly on all devices. This is crucial for capturing conversions from mobile traffic.

24/7 Customer Support: Whether you're a paid user or on the free plan, PageFly offers 24/7 customer support via live chat. This is a valuable asset, especially for beginners who might encounter questions or roadblocks.


  • Limited Design Customization (Compared to Some): While PageFly offers a decent selection of templates and customization options, it might not cater to those who need complete design freedom for a highly branded Shopify landing page. If extensive customization is your priority, other Shopify landing page builders might offer more flexibility.
  • The pre-designed templates are visually unappealing enough.
  • Advanced SEO Features Missing: PageFly focuses primarily on landing page creation and conversion optimization. If you need advanced SEO features for organic traffic generation, you might need to integrate additional tools with your Shopify store.
  • Upselling for Advanced Features: A/B testing, a crucial feature for conversion optimization, is only available in paid plans. This can be a consideration for budget-conscious store owners.
  • Complicated and greedy pricing plan that need straightforward pricing options.Ā 

GemPages Landing Page Builder

GemPages is a powerful tool for Shopify users who prioritize beautiful design, conversion optimization features, and AI-powered assistance. The high-quality templates, A/B testing (in paid plans), and seamless integrations make it a well-rounded option. However, the limited free plan and potentially higher costs for larger stores require consideration.

šŸ„³ Visit Shopify landing page templates by GemPages here.Ā 


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Image source: GemPages Demo

Stunning Templates and Design Focus: GemPages boasts a library of eye-catching, high-quality templates. These are a great starting point for creating a good-looking Shopify landing page that will grab your visitors' attention.

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Ā Image source: GemPages

AI-Powered Features: Looking to streamline the design process? GemPages offers unique AI features like Image-to-Layout, which can automatically generate a page layout based on an image you upload. This can be a time-saver and a source of inspiration.

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Image source: GemPages

Conversion Optimization Tools: Conversion is key! GemPages goes beyond aesthetics with features like A/B testing (in paid plans) and pop-ups to help you optimize your Shopify landing page for maximum results.

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Image source: GemPages

Seamless Integrations: Integrate GemPages with various marketing tools you already use, creating a cohesive strategy for your online store.


  • Limited Features on Free Plan: The free plan restricts you to only 01 published page. To unlock the full potential of features like A/B testing and custom sections, you'll need to upgrade.
  • Cost Comes with Scale: Some features like Pop-up are only available in higher tiers. This can be frustrating if you need a specific feature that's not included in the plan you can afford. Consider your store's size and budget before committing.
  • While the drag-and-drop interface is user-friendly, creating truly impactful landing pages might require some design knowledge or familiarity with Shopify landing page best practices.

Shogun Landing Page Builder

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Image source: Shogun Demo

Shogun Page Builder is a powerful tool for experienced Shopify users who require precise design control, advanced conversion optimization features, and team collaboration capabilities. The seamless Shopify integration, powerful visual editor, and extensive features make it a top choice for those seeking maximum control over their Shopify landing page. However, the limited free plan, learning curve, and prospective fee increases require careful evaluation.

šŸ„³ Visit Shopify landing page templates by Shogun here.


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Image source: Shogun

Built for Shopify: Unlike some generic Shopify landing page builders, Shogun integrates seamlessly with Shopify. This ensures a familiar interface and smooth operation within the Shopify ecosystem.

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Image source: Shogun

Powerful Visual Editor: Edit your Shopify landing page with a high degree of precision using Shogun's robust visual editor. This level of control allows for pixel-perfect designs that meet your vision precisely.

Shopify landing page builders

Image source: Shogun

Conversion Optimization Features: Shogun goes beyond basic page building. It offers A/B testing, heatmaps, and form analytics (in paid plans) to help you optimize your Shopify landing page for maximum conversions.

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Shogun's developer tools allow for creating custom reusable elements using HTML/Liquid, CSS, and Javascript. (Image source: Shogun)

Advanced Features (Paid Plans): For those who need more, Shogun offers features like custom sections (reusable page elements), scroll triggers for animations, and code editing in paid plans. This caters to users who want to push the boundaries of design and functionality.

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Image source: Shogun

Team Collaboration (Enterprise Plan): The Enterprise Plan allows multiple team members to collaborate on a Shopify landing page, making it ideal for larger businesses or agencies managing multiple Shopify stores.


  • Limited Free Plan: Shogun's free plan offers very basic functionality. To unlock the true power of the builder, you'll need to upgrade to a paid plan, which might not be suitable for everyone.
  • Learning Curve: Shogun's extensive features can be overwhelming for beginners. The interface is clean, but mastering its functionalities might require time and practice.
  • Cost Considerations: Shogun's pricing can be on the higher end compared to some competitors. While offering a good value for advanced users, it might be cost-prohibitive for smaller stores with simpler needs.

Choosing the Right Landing Page Builder

Shopify landing page builders are a powerful asset, but with so many options, picking the right one can feel overwhelming. Don't worry, the key is to prioritize your needs! Here's how to weigh the different criteria based on your goals:

For Beginners

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Image source: Foxify

User-Friendly Interface: If you're new to the game, a clean, intuitive interface with drag-and-drop functionality is essential. Look for builders with clear instructions, tutorials, and video guides to walk you through the process. Don't underestimate the value of good customer support. Responsive and knowledgeable representatives can answer your questions and guide you through any roadblocks.

Free Plans and Trials: Many builders offer free plans or trials. Take advantage of these to test the interface and see if it feels comfortable before committing. This is a great way to gain confidence and build skills before diving into paid plans.

shopify landing page builders

For Conversion-Focused Businesses

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Image source: Manuel Pistner

A/B Testing: If maximizing conversions is your top priority, A/B testing is a must-have feature. This allows you to create variations of your Shopify landing page and see which one performs better with your target audience. Look for builders with robust A/B testing options to constantly optimize your landing pages for peak performance.

Pop-ups and Opt-in Forms: Capture leads and encourage visitors to take action with strategic pop-ups and well-designed opt-in forms. Choose a builder that offers various tools and allows you to customize them for maximum impact.

For Design-Conscious Brands

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Image source: Foxify

Customization Options: Your brand identity is key! Look for a builder that offers extensive customization options for layouts, colours, fonts, and images. This allows you to create a Shopify landing page that perfectly matches your brand aesthetic and creates a cohesive user experience.

High-Quality Templates: While customization is important, a good selection of templates can be a huge time saver. Choose a builder with a diverse library of high-quality, mobile-responsive templates catering to your industry and campaign goals.

šŸŒŸRelated Article: Full Review of 5 Shopify Page Builders from Design Experts

Budget Considerations

Compare pricing plans and use free trials to find the best value for your needs. Consider the size of your store and its potential for growth. Do you need a basic plan now, with the possibility of upgrading later? Some builders offer tiered plans with increasing features as the cost goes up. Choose one that scales with your business.

Remember, the "perfect" Shopify landing page builder doesn't exist ā€“ it's all about finding the one that best suits your priorities.Ā 

Wrap Up

Shopify landing page builders offer a powerful one-two punch: increased conversions and an enhanced brand experience.Ā 

With complete design flexibility, you can craft stunning, mobile-friendly pages that resonate with your target audience.Ā 

But remember, the key to success lies in choosing the builder that perfectly complements your goals.Ā 

Consider the level of customization you need and the features that best suit your marketing strategy. By exploring your options, you can unlock the full potential of your Shopify store and take it to the next level. So what are you waiting for? Start building your Shopify landing page today!

CiCi Nguyen

Content Specialist @FoxEcom

CiCi loves doing research and writing to share helpful information with readers. Outside of work, she is a food lover and passionate about cooking and reading comics.