How to Launch a Thriving Print on Demand Stickers Business on Shopify

How to Launch a Thriving Print on Demand Stickers Business on Shopify

The print-on-demand market is exploding! Valued at $8.05 billion in 2023, it's projected to skyrocket to $87.13 billion by 2033 - according to Precedence Research.

Are you a creative soul looking to turn your designs into dollars? Or a merchant looking to increase the range of products you offer? Print on demand stickers provide a low entry barrier without inventory trouble!

But simply slapping designs on stickers won't cut it. To thrive in this competitive market, you need a strategic approach. Let’s explore how to build a successful POD sticker business on Shopify!

What are Print on Demand Stickers?

Print on demand stickers are a custom product that allows you to create and sell unique designs without the hassle of upfront inventory costs or storage.

With dropshipping stickers, you simply design your sticker, and a third-party printing service handles the production and shipping directly to your customers. With this arrangement, you can concentrate on design and marketing while removing the possibility of unsold goods.

Types of Print on Demand Stickers

Print on demand stickers come in various types based on their cut and finish. Understanding these options will help you choose the best print on demand stickers for your target market and aesthetic.

By Cut

  • Kiss-cut stickers: These stickers are cut through the adhesive layer but not the backing paper, allowing you to peel and stick them easily. They are perfect for individual use.
Source: Pinterest
  • Die-cut stickers: These stickers have a custom shape cut out of the vinyl, creating unique and eye-catching designs. They are ideal for branding and promotional purposes.
Source: Pinterest
  • Sticker sheets: Multiple kiss-cut stickers arranged on a sheet. Print on demand sticker sheets are often used for variety packs of cute animal designs or themed collections for bullet journals and planners.

Source: Etsy

By Finish

  • Vinyl stickers: Durable and weather-resistant, vinyl stickers are ideal for outdoor use and long-lasting applications.

  • Matte stickers: These dropshipping stickers have a non-reflective finish, reducing glare and providing a clean, minimalist look. They are for laptops, planners, and personal items.
  • Holographic and prismatic stickers: These eye-catching stickers create a shimmering or iridescent effect, adding a touch of glamour. They are perfect for decorating festival gear, customizing tech gadgets, or adding shine to greeting cards and gift wrap.
Source: Customany
  • Mirrored stickers: Reflective and attention-grabbing, mirrored stickers create a unique and modern aesthetic. They are ideal for creating a statement on laptops, water bottles, and other personal items.
Source: Amazon
  • Transparent stickers let your designs shine through, perfect for window decals or laptop customization. These stickers are available in a variety of finishes, including glossy or matte, to add a touch of personality to your belongings.
Source: Etsy

Advantages of Print on Demand vs. Traditional Sticker Printing

Unlike traditional printing with high minimums, sticker print on demand lets you test designs, scale up fast, and hold onto more of your profits!

Let's break down the differences:

Source: FoxEcom

How to Sell Print on Demand Stickers on Shopify

Shopify, hosting a dominant 62.8% of POD and dropshipping stores, is an ideal platform for launching a print on demand stickers business. Its user-friendly interface and robust features empower merchants to create, manage, and scale their sticker enterprises efficiently.

1. Find Your Perfect Print on Demand Stickers Companies

Your Shopify store's sticker game needs the best print on demand stickers partner that's a cut above the rest. A stellar print on demand stickers supplier is the backbone of your success. You should look for a provider that boasts:

  • Product Quality: Durable, with vibrant colors and sharp printing.
  • Product Range: Various sticker types (vinyl, die-cut, etc.) and customization options.
  • Integration: Seamless integration with Shopify for easy order management and fulfillment.
  • Shipping options: Fast and reliable shipping methods to meet customer expectations.
  • Pricing: Competitive pricing structure with transparent costs for printing and shipping.
  • Customer Support: Responsive support team to assist with orders and inquiries.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Positive feedback from other Shopify sellers regarding service and product quality.

To help you get started, we've identified 6 best print on demand stickers companies. See which one's the best fit for you!

2. Profitable Pricing Strategies

Pricing strategies are a cornerstone of successful eCommerce. Research from JETIR confirms their substantial influence on consumer behavior, impacting decisions, loyalty, brand perception, and purchase frequency.

To establish a competitive yet profitable Shopify store, consider these 3 pricing methods:

Cost-plus Pricing

This method involves calculating your total costs (production, shipping, and any additional fees) and adding a desired markup to determine your selling price. This is a straightforward approach, but it can miss the mark if you don't factor in additional elements:

  • Tiered pricing: You offer economies of scale. For example, a 50% markup on single print on demand stickers, but a 60% markup for packs of 5. This incentivizes bulk purchases and increases your average order value.
  • Hidden costs: You consider marketing, website maintenance, and employee costs when calculating total costs.

For example: Your print on demand stickers production cost (including materials, printing, and shipping) is $1.20. You target a 40% profit margin and a $0.30 Shopify transaction fee.

Calculation: Cost ($1.20) + (Profit Margin * Cost) + Transaction Fee = Selling Price

Solution: $1.20 + (0.4 * $1.20) + $0.30 = $2.10 per sticker. You could offer a discount for buying packs of 5 or 10 stickers, bringing the per-unit cost down for larger orders.

💡 Pro Tip: Shopify Profit Margin Calculator automates the cost-plus pricing process, ensuring you maintain desired profit margins without manual calculations.

Competitor-based Pricing

Source: PriceShape
While undercutting competitors can work, it's a balancing act. How can we optimize pricing to gain a competitive edge?
  • Value perception analysis: How do competitors position their stickers? Can you offer something better or communicate your existing value proposition more effectively?
  • Price match: You match the competitor's price on basic stickers but include a freebie, such as mini print on demand sticker sheets.
  • Psychological pricing: Try ".99" pricing to create a perception of affordability.

For example: A print on demand stickers store targeting gamers. They noticed competitors selling basic game logo stickers for $3.50. Instead of undercutting, they offers these at the same price, but with a twist: free sticker printed on demand with in-game usernames or clan tags for no extra charge.

💡 Pro Tip: Prisync can continuously monitor competitor prices and adjust yours dynamically to help you stay competitive.

Value-Based Pricing

Value-based pricing moves beyond just your costs or competitor strategies. It focuses on the worth your stickers hold in your target audience's eyes.

  • Deep dive into demographics: Who are you selling to? Age, interests, and spending habits all play a role in perceived value. For example, a college student might value affordability, while a professional might be willing to pay more for a premium sticker for their laptop.
  • Understand their needs: What problem do your print on demand stickers solve or what emotional connection do they create? Funny stickers might be lighthearted, while intricate nature stickers might evoke a sense of peace. Price based on the emotional value you deliver.
  • Highlight what makes you special: Do you offer collaborations with renowned artists, donate to charity with each purchase, or use a special printing process? Shout these USPs in your sticker print on demand descriptions and price accordingly.

✍️ Note: To facilitate smooth transactions, you should offer a variety of payment options. PayPal remains the most popular choice among print-on-demand stores, followed by Apple Pay, Shop Pay, and Google Pay.

3. Set Up Your Shopify Store

A captivating, user-friendly, and high-converting Shopify store is paramount to a thriving print on demand stickers business. It's where potential customers transform into loyal fans.

We’ll outline a 4-step process to build such a store. While demanding significant time and effort, it's a critical investment for long-term growth!

Effortless Design with High-Converting Templates

Bad UI/UX is the reason behind 70% of online business failures. Don't let yours be one of them!

A well-designed user interface can boost your website's conversion rate by up to 200%, according to Intechnic. However, creating exceptional UI/UX can be a challenge, especially for merchants without a design background.

High-converting templates are your solution! These ready-to-use designs are optimized for sales and conversion success. They boast clear calls-to-action, lightning-fast loading time, seamless mobile experiences, and a smooth checkout process.

Transform your Shopify store in 4 steps

  • Choose a design: Shopify offers a vast selection of free and premium options for store design. For maximum conversions, let’s explore our smart page builder Foxify with 150+ high-converting templates, tailored for optimal UI/UX and speed.
  • Customize: Use the drag-and-drop editor and experiment with colors, fonts, and layouts to create a store that reflects your brand identity.
  • Add essential features: Enhance your store's navigation by incorporating clear menus, organized product categories, and a functional search bar.
  • Showcase your products: Integrate your print on demand stickers into the template's product page layouts. You should highlight product details, high-quality images, and compelling descriptions to encourage purchases.

    📚 You might also like:

    Showcase Your Stickers with Dynamic Product Display

    The presentation of your print on demand stickers is a powerful tool in driving purchases. Research by Rosy Boardman and Helen McCormick underscores this, revealing that a wealth of product information enhances consumer engagement and decision-making.

    To captivate your audience, employ dynamic display features such as:

    • Image sliders with descriptive text: Offer detailed insights alongside visually appealing product showcases.
    • Curated product collections: Organize stickers into themed groups to simplify browsing.
    • Highlighted featured items: Draw attention to star products and new arrivals.
    • Visually engaging lookbooks: Inspire customers with creative sticker applications.
    • Captivating animations or videos: Bring sticker designs to life with virtual reality demonstrations and customer reviews.

    Beyond grabbing attention on the homepage, dynamic product displays on your product pages turn interest into sales. Learn how to optimize yours here!

    Boost Sales with Upsells and Cross-sells

    Upselling and cross-selling are proven strategies to boost your bottom line. A HubSpot Blog survey revealed that a substantial majority of sales executives who employ these techniques report a revenue increase of at least 30%.

    Foxify pag builder simplifies the process with built-in upsell and cross-sell features. It allows you to effortlessly optimize product recommendations, personalize offers, and drive higher sales without the need for additional apps.

    To maximize your print on demand stickers’ sales potential, use extensions like Sticky Add to Cart, Product Quick View, and Countdown Timer. These tools create a seamless shopping experience that naturally guides customers toward additional purchases.

    Source: Foxify

    Mastering upsells and cross-sells doesn't have to be a hassle! Learn 8 sales-boosting techniques to leverage upsell and cross-sell effectively.

    Advanced Analytics and Reports

    Shopify analytics offer insights to optimize your sticker business:

    Source: Mapplinks
    Analyze these metrics to identify areas for improvement. For instance, a low conversion rate might indicate issues with product descriptions, pricing, or website navigation.

    Foxify's advanced reports provide deeper customer insights, such as Pageviews, Average order value, Add to cart, and Reached checkout. Armed with this data, you can fine-tune your marketing strategies and enhance your website’s overall customer experience.

    Besides, your marketing strategy is the bridge connecting your print on demand stickers store with customers. Without effective campaigns, your design efforts won't reach their full potential.

    We've got your back! Let’s explore how to transform ecommerce marketing data into profits in 2024!


    1. Is print on demand copyrighted?

    No, print on demand itself is not copyrighted. However, the designs you use on your products must be original or you must have the necessary rights to use them. Using copyrighted designs without permission is illegal.

    2. Does Printify automatically fulfill orders?

    Yes, Printify automatically fulfills orders once they are placed in your store. You don't need to handle inventory or shipping.

    3. What print size sells the most?

    The most popular print size depends on the product and target audience. Generally, versatile sizes like 3x3 inches and 4x4 inches are popular for stickers. However, specific trends and customer preferences can vary.

    Final Thoughts

    Launching a print on demand stickers business on Shopify is an exciting venture with the potential for significant rewards. You’ve taken the first step with this guide. Now, it's time to bring your vision to life with a stunning store.

    To create a seamless customer experience, let FoxEcom be your trusted partner. With our Foxify smart page builder, you can effortlessly design stunning product pages, captivating landing pages, and a professional-looking online store.

    Start your free Foxify trial today and watch your sticker business soar!

    Selene Dinh

    Content Marketing Executive @FoxEcom

    A storyteller at heart, Selene is a Content Marketing Executive who blends creativity with data-driven insights to craft compelling narratives for eCommerce and SaaS. Beyond her professional pursuits, she's an avid explorer of the arts and culture.