Shopify Store Design: 5 Essential Factors You Need to Know

5 essential factors of shopify store design you need to know

Since 94% of users will leave a website because of low-quality design, Shopify store design indeed plays a vital role in attracting and engaging with customers. The question now is, how to design a Shopify store that captivates customers and wins sales?

In this blog post, we're going to dive into the 5 essential factors you need to know about Shopify store design. Buckle up and let’s dive in!

Importance of Shopify Store Design

Before we jump into the essential factors of Shopify store design, it’s vital to have a clear understanding of what it is and why it matters.

Shopify store design refers to the visual layout, aesthetics, and user experience of your online store. It encompasses everything from the overall look and feel to the navigation, branding, and functionality. You can think of it as creating a virtual storefront that welcomes and engages your potential customers.

In today's digital age, where competition is fierce and attention spans are shorter than ever, having a well-designed store is the key to building trust and fostering interesting shopping experiences for your customers. Its importance has been shown through the following statistics:

  • 75% of users judge a company's credibility based on its website design.
  • 38% of users will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive
  • 51% of Americans prefer to shop online, and having a well-designed store increases the likelihood of conversions

75% of users judge a company's credibility based on its website design.

So, it's clear that your store's design plays a significant role in shaping customer perception and building your businesses’ success. That’s why you should pay more attention to your online store design, especially on the below 5 critical factors!

5 Critical Factors in Designing Shopify Store

1. First Impression

When it comes to Shopify store design, first impression is everything. It's the split-second opportunity to grab the attention of potential customers and entice them to explore further. So why is this initial feel so crucial?

Studies show that it takes only 50 milliseconds for visitors to form an opinion about a website. That's right! Less than one-tenth of a second! In that brief moment, visitors decide whether to stay and engage with your store or quickly bounce away to a competitor's site. Therefore, creating a strong first impression is paramount to keeping visitors hooked.

Users take only 50 milliseconds to form an opinion about a website

So, what does a good first impression look like? Let's take inspiration from Allbirds, a popular online store known for their sustainable footwear. As soon as you land on their homepage, you're greeted with a clean and visually appealing design that instantly communicates their brand's values and eco-friendly approach. The layout is simple yet captivating, with high-quality product images and concise, persuasive copy that highlights the unique selling points of their shoes. The site also performs exceptionally well, ensuring fast loading times and a smooth user experience.

allbirds is a shopify store that creates good first impression on its online store

How to design your Shopify store to win first impressions like Allbirds? You need to pay attention to several factors. Start with the layout - a clean and organized design that is visually pleasing and easy to navigate. Use high-quality and optimized visuals that showcase your products in the best light. Compelling and concise content that clearly communicates your brand story, value proposition, and key benefits will make a lasting impact. Don't forget about performance optimization, as slow loading times can drive potential customers away. By focusing on these elements, you can create a captivating first impression that entices visitors to explore further and increases the likelihood of conversions.

Keep in mind that you only have one chance to make a strong first impression. So, put your best foot forward, captivate your audience with a visually stunning and user-friendly design, and keep them hooked from the moment they land on your Shopify store.

2. Mobile Optimization

In today's mobile-driven world, having a mobile-optimized Shopify store design is no longer just a nice-to-have. It's an absolute must. According to Statista, mobile devices accounted for nearly 60% of global website traffic. That's more than half of your potential customers accessing your store on their smartphones or tablets. If your store doesn't provide a seamless mobile experience, you risk losing out on a significant portion of your audience.

Mobile devices accounted for nearly 60% of global website traffic

To understand what a good mobile-optimized store looks like, let's turn our attention to Beardbrand. This renowned men's grooming brand has nailed mobile optimization. When you visit their store on a mobile device, you'll notice that the layout and design adapt beautifully to fit smaller screens. The text is legible, images are properly scaled, and navigation is intuitive. Everything is designed with the mobile user in mind, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable browsing experience.

Beardbrand is a good mobile optimmized store

How can you achieve effective Shopify mobile optimization for your store? It all starts with adopting a mobile-first approach. Instead of treating mobile as an afterthought, prioritize it from the very beginning of your design process. When designing your store, think about how it will look and function on various mobile devices. Optimize your layout, fonts, and buttons for smaller screens. Pay attention to loading speed and performance, as mobile users have little patience for slow-loading pages. By taking a mobile-first approach, you can ensure that your store is optimized for the growing number of customers shopping on their mobile devices.

Remember, your customers are on the go, browsing and making purchases right in the palm of their hands. By providing them with a seamless mobile experience, you not only cater to their preferences but also increase the chances of conversions. 

3. SEO-Friendly Structure

At first glance, let’s consider this: 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results. With millions of websites out there competing for attention, do you want your store to be easily discovered by search engines and potential customers? Absolutely yes! Then, your online store design must ensure an SEO-friendly structure.

75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results

To explore what a good SEO-friendly structure looks like, let's take a look at Red Dress, a famous women’s clothing brand. Red Dress has implemented a well-structured store that is optimized for search engines. Their site architecture follows a logical hierarchy, with clear categories, subcategories, and product pages. They utilize clean URLs, optimized meta tags, and structured data markup, which help search engines understand the content and relevance of their pages. As a result, Red Dress consistently ranks well in search engine results, driving organic traffic to their store.

Red Dress is a clothing brand based on Shopify

How to design your Shopify store that ensures an SEO-friendly structure? It's all about taking a top-down approach, starting from the overall site structure down to the specific page elements. Begin by organizing your store into clear and logical categories, making it easy for both visitors and search engines to navigate. Optimize your URLs, incorporating relevant keywords and avoiding generic parameters. Pay attention to meta tags, including title tags and meta descriptions. Use targeted keywords and compelling language to entice users to click. Finally, leverage structured data markup, such as, to provide additional information about your products and content, helping search engines better understand and index your pages.

Dive deeper on how to build a Shopify store that ranks here.

By implementing an SEO-friendly structure, you improve the discoverability and visibility of your Shopify store in search engine rankings. This, in turn, drives more organic traffic, increases your chances of reaching potential customers, and ultimately boosts your sales. 

4. Consistent Branding

Creating a unified branding experience for your Shopify store is essential for establishing brand recognition, building trust, and fostering a strong connection with your customers. According to Marq, consistent branding across all touchpoints can increase revenue by up to 20%. So when customers encounter your brand, whether it's on your website, social media, or product packaging, you have to ensure that they have a consistent and cohesive experience that reinforces your brand's values and messaging.

Consistent branding can increase revenue up to 20%

Rothy's, a sustainable footwear brand, is a perfect example of unified branding strategy. Rothy's has nailed unified branding across their Shopify store and beyond. From their website to social media presence, their branding elements are consistent and instantly recognizable. Their store showcases cohesive light and pastel color palettes. Their typography and visual style also align with their eco-friendly ethos. By maintaining a unified brand identity, Rothy's has built recognition from customers and stands out in the competitive footwear market.

Rothy's has consistent branding across their platforms


To create a cohesive brand in designing Shopify store, you need to have clear brand guidelines. These guidelines serve as a roadmap for maintaining consistency across various design elements and platforms. Start with defining your brand's color palette, typography, logo usage, and other visual elements that reflect your brand's personality. Then, set it up on your Shopify store to make sure these elements will be used consistently throughout your store.

Moreover, you should also consider incorporating your brand's story and values into your content and messaging, both in product descriptions and brand storytelling sections.

5. High Quality Photography

High-quality photography is an essential ingredient in creating a Shopify store design that captures customer attention and aligns with their expectations. A study by MDG found that 67% of consumers consider image quality a critical factor when making online purchasing decisions. Stunning photography can instantly grab attention, convey the value of your products, and evoke emotions that drive customer engagement and sales.

67% of consumers consider image quality a critical factor when purchasing online

To dive deeper, let's take a look at MVMT Watches. This trendy watch brand excels in showcasing high-quality photography when designing Shopify store. From homepage to product pages, MVMT Watches uses striking images that highlight the sleek design and craftsmanship of their timepieces. Every detail, from the lighting to the composition, is carefully considered, ensuring their visuals exude quality and desirability. By leveraging high-quality visuals, MVMT Watches engages customers and compels them to explore their products further.

MVMT Watches has awesome and high quality photography

To integrate high-quality photography into your own Shopify store, the perfect option is investing in professional product photography that showcases your offerings in the best possible light. However, for small businesses without a big budget on photography, a good phone with some smart editor apps is a good way to start. Whichever option you choose, make sure to focus on details such as lighting, composition, and product placement. Embrace diversity in your visual elements by incorporating images, videos, and interactive features that provide an immersive and engaging experience.

Shopify Store Design is a Complicated Process, Unless You Have Zest!

Now you already know some answers to the question of how to design your Shopify store, which are the 5 critical factors we mentioned above. But they are not everything. To be honest, designing Shopify store can be a complex and time-consuming process. Fortunately, there's an effortless solution that simplifies the task and takes your store design to the next level, which is a Shopify theme named Zest.

By utilizing the power of Zest, you can:

  • Create a visually stunning and user-friendly experience without the hassle of coding or intricate customization.
  • Optimize your online store for different devices with responsive layout and features.
  • Save your time and effort on designing, simply focus on what truly matters – growing your business and delighting your customers

If you see they fit your needs, give Zest a try. It will turn out to become your secret weapon to take your Shopify store design to new heights of success!

Wrapping up

Designing Shopify store goes beyond just listing products online. It requires careful attention to various factors contributing to an exceptional user experience. In this article, we explored 5 critical factors to consider when designing Shopify store: the importance of first impressions, mobile optimization, SEO-friendly structure, unified branding, and high-quality visuals. Your task now is to optimize those factors on your online store.

In last words, designing Shopify store can be complex, but with the right tools and approaches, you can achieve remarkable results effortlessly. Start smart with Zest - the game-changer theme that simplifies and elevates your efforts.

Explore Zest for FREE