How to Maximize Sales in Singles’ Day 2024: Best Lessons to Learn from

singles' day sales

Singles’ Day (or Double Eleven 11.11) has become one of the world's biggest shopping events, with millions of shoppers every year. For eCommerce brands, Singles’ Day 2024 represents a golden opportunity to boost sales and build customer loyalty.

But how can you ensure your store stands out in the sea of discounts and promotions? Let’s start by learning from giants who have mastered the art of Singles’ Day success!

This blog will explore proven strategies from leading eCommerce brands dominating the Singles’ Day sale. Ready to dive in? Let's start!

Singles’ Day 2024 - All You Need to Know

What is Singles’ Day?

Singles' Day, also known as "Double Eleven" or "11.11," began in China as a way for single people to celebrate themselves on November 11th. But what started as a fun, informal holiday has transformed into the most extensive online shopping event in the world. Many brands and eCommerce platforms have embraced the occasion, offering steep discounts and special deals that attract millions of shoppers globally.

Over the years, the Singles’ Day sale has expanded far beyond China. It has become a global phenomenon, surpassing Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) in sales volume. In 2022, total Cyber Week sales amounted to $35.3 billion, while Singles’ Day reached $84.5 billion in sales.

singles'day sales
Image source: Statista

When is Singles’ Day 2024?

Singles' Day 2024 will fall on Monday, November 11th. As the event is on the first working day of the week, it’s essential to kick off the Singles’ Day sale event early on the weekend. This approach allows customers, especially workers with limited time on Monday, to start shopping when they are most likely free, boosting your chances of higher sales and greater visibility.

Best Lessons from Giants to Maximize Sales in Singles’ Day 2024

Lesson 1: Start early

What we’ve learned

In recent years, the most significant player in the Singles’ Day sale campaign - Alibaba, has started their Double Eleven sales earlier and earlier.

In 2023, Alibaba’s Singles’ Day sale began on October 24th, while in 2022, it started on October 28th. The trend shows that the Singles’ Day sale event starts earlier every year, capitalizing on the growing anticipation and giving shoppers more time to make purchasing decisions.

Moreover, with Singles' Day 2024 falling on a Monday, customers will likely prefer to shop over the weekend when they have more free time. To take advantage of this, consider launching your pre-sales even earlier to ensure customers do not miss out on your deals.

Singles' Day 2024
Image source: FoxEcom

What to do on Singles’ Day 2024

  • Launch pre-sales even earlier: Consider kicking off your Singles’ Day 2024 campaign in mid-October, giving shoppers nearly a month to browse, compare, and make purchases. This extended period not only increases visibility but also builds anticipation.
  • Create a pre-sale schedule: Develop a structured schedule leading up to the Singles’ Day sale with teaser offers, countdowns, and special deals. This strategy keeps your customers engaged and constantly reminds them of the big day, encouraging early purchases.
  • Enhance marketing efforts: Ramp up your marketing activities in the weeks before the Singles’ Day sale. Use email campaigns, social media promotions, and influencer partnerships to excite and inform customers about your upcoming deals.
  • Optimize online experience: Prepare your website and store for a traffic surge during Singles’ Day sale events. Ensure fast load times, mobile compatibility, and a seamless checkout process to handle increased visitors efficiently. You can use Shopify page builders to fasten your design and optimization efforts.
    For example, the Foxify page builder with 250+ pre-built sections and templates can help you design an optimized landing page for Singles’ Day within days. All templates and designs are mobile-friendly, fast-loading, SEO-optimized, and high-converting.
Foxify BFCM template
Image source: Foxify - BFCM Demo

🎁 Special Gift for Foxify: 20% off for 3 months with the code BFCM2024WIN. Deal ends on December 24th, 2024.


📚 Further Reading:

Lesson 2: Leverage live-stream shopping

What we’ve learned

Live-stream shopping has proven to be a game-changer for driving massive sales during the Singles’ Day sale.

In the 2023 Singles’ Day sale, Alibaba reported that 38 merchant-operated live-streaming channels generated over $14,000 in GMV, making up more than 60% of their channels. JD, Alibaba’s key rival, also saw tremendous success with its “Super Livestream Night” last year, raking in $15 million.

Double Eleven live stream on Alibaba

What to do on Singles’ Day 2024

  • Plan a “Super Livestream Night”: Take inspiration from JD by hosting your own “Super Livestream Night” on Singles’ Day 2024. You can include multiple segments, product launches, and flash sales to keep the Singles’ Day sale event lively and engaging.
  • Partner with influencers and hosts: Collaborate with popular influencers or charismatic hosts who align with your brand and appeal to your target audience. Their presence at Singles’ Day 2024 livestream events can attract a larger audience and build trust. Learn to choose the right influencers for your store.
  • Highlight product features and benefits: Use the live stream to showcase your products in action, highlight their unique features, share customer testimonials, and answer questions in real time. This interactivity can help build confidence and prompt purchasing decisions.
  • Create a sense of urgency: Incorporate time-limited offers and exclusive deals that are only available during the live stream. This urgency encourages viewers to make quick decisions, boosting conversion rates.
  • Promote your live streams in advance: Build anticipation by marketing your live-stream events. Use social media, email newsletters, and your website to provide schedules, highlight key products, and offer sneak peeks. This strategy will generate buzz and ensure a strong turnout when the Singles’ Day 2024 livestream event goes live.

💡 Explore more:

Lesson 3: Use AI to Enhance Customer Experience

What we’ve learned

During the last Singles’ Day sale campaign, Taobao’s AI-driven merchant tools were used over 1.5 billion times. Plus, millions of users interacted with its generative AI application, "Taobao Wenwen," which guides consumer purchasing decisions through AI-powered Q&A.

Taobao Wenwen’s product comparison feature

This demonstrates the power of AI in not only optimizing operations but also directly influencing consumer behavior.

What to do on Singles’ Day 2024

  • Leverage AI to speed up preparation: Utilizing AI tools to create engaging visuals and content and optimize web design can help accelerate your preparation process for the big event.
  • Integrate AI-powered chatbots: Deploy AI-driven chatbots on your website and app to provide real-time assistance on Singles’ Day 2024. These chatbots can manage various tasks, from answering product queries to guiding users through checkout, enhancing customer satisfaction, and reducing drop-off rates.
  • Utilize AI for personalized recommendations: Implement AI tools that analyze customer data to offer tailored product suggestions. Like Taobao Wenwen, these tools can guide purchasing decisions by understanding customer preferences, past purchases, and emerging trends, leading to higher conversion rates on the Singles’ Day sale.
  • Enhance search functionality with AI: Optimize your website’s search capabilities by integrating AI-driven natural language processing (NLP). This will improve your site’s ability to understand and accurately respond to customer search queries, making it easier for shoppers to find exactly what they want.

🔥 More to read:

Recommended apps and gifts

  • Foxify - Smart Page Builder: The first-ever visual page builder with AI tools for content creation and translation. You can fasten the content creation and globalization with Fox Magic - the built-in AI tool that helps you write compelling content and translate your pages automatically. Meanwhile, You can build every page in your store quickly and beautifully without limitations with Fox Studio - the smart visual editor. This easy-to-use editor lets you design from the smallest elements in the preview.
🎁 Get Foxify at the lowest budget now with the code BFCM2024WIN - 20% off for 3 months. Deal ends on December 24th, 2024.
  • Boost AI Search & Discovery: This app uses advanced AI and natural language processing to understand and respond to customer queries more accurately, helping shoppers find exactly what they want. Improving search results and product recommendations can increase product visibility and drive more sales.
🎁 Get a free extended trial of up to 30 days on Boost AI now.
  • Willdesk: The AI chatbot from Willdesk helps you deliver prompt, personalized responses to basic customer inquiries like FAQs, order tracking, product recommendations, and discount codes, improving satisfaction and boosting conversions.

Lesson 4: Gamification for the win

What we’ve learned

On the Singles’ Day sale in 2020, Tmall's interactive game "Ideal Train" attracted more than 400 million users to participate; the number of active users of Taobao's Cloud Cat-raising game surpassed 100 million users; and the total number of users exceeded 500 million. These games encourage players to complete tasks like sharing, inviting friends, or purchasing to receive rewards.

Image source: Tmall game: Sharing to attract people

The result is that the game was at the top of the hot search list on Weibo, attracting 20% of new players. The sales volume of agricultural products and food on the interactive city details page reached 1 billion.

What to do on Singles’ Day 2024

  • Develop engaging interactive games: Create a fun, interactive game that resonates with your target audience during the Singles’ Day sale. The game could involve collecting points, completing challenges, or unlocking levels to earn discounts or rewards.
  • Incorporate social sharing and invitations: Design your game to include social elements, such as sharing with friends or inviting others to join. This can help the game go viral and attract new users to your platform during the Singles’ Day sale event. Plus, you can offer extra rewards for players who bring in new participants or share their progress on social media.
  • Reward engagement with exclusive offers: Use the game to reward participants with exclusive discounts, coupons, or early access to deals. The more they engage with the game, the better the rewards. This not only boosts sales but also keeps users engaged with your brand leading up to Singles' Day 2024.
  • Highlight popular products through gamification: Feature specific products or categories in your game to drive traffic to them. For example, you can create challenges that involve purchasing or interacting with particular products to earn game points or unlock bonuses.
  • Promote the game widely: Launch a comprehensive marketing campaign to promote your game across all channels, including social media, email newsletters, and your website. Use teaser campaigns to build excitement and drive early participation.
  • Leverage gamification for data collection: Use the game to gather valuable customer data, such as preferences, behavior patterns, and purchase intent. This data can personalize future marketing efforts and optimize your product offerings during and after the Singles’ Day sale.
  • Create a competitive element: Introduce leaderboards or competitions within the game to encourage friendly rivalry among players. This can increase users' time on your platform and their overall engagement with your brand.

Recommended apps and gifts

  • FoxKit: This all-in-one Sales Boost app has exciting features to gamify your Singles’ Day sale campaign. You can use Lucky Wheel to collect customer contacts and give them coupons as rewards for joining the game. This approach keeps customers staying longer and helps you enrich the email marketing list and boost sales with incentives.
    🎁 Special Gift: Grab FoxKit 20% discount for 3 months with the code BFCM2024WIN. Deal ends on December 24th, 2024

  • Rhym Gamify Discount, Email Popups: With more than 13 unique games to gamify the pop-up, Rhym helps capture immediate attention and foster deep engagement with a sense of achievement, resulting in significantly higher email capture and conversion rates compared to traditional popups.
gamification banners
Image source: Rhym demo

Lesson 5: Use Brand Membership Programs to cultivate customer loyalty

What we’ve learned

Brand membership programs are powerful tools to keep customers engaged after the Singles’ Day sale.

During the last Singles’ Day sale, Taobao and Tmall merchants added over 100 million new members by offering exclusive benefits to customers who had made at least one purchase. Brand members typically enjoy perks such as special discounts, coupons, and promotions unavailable to non-members. They can also accumulate reward points to exchange for gifts. These privileges encourage not only first-time purchases but also repeated orders after the Singles’ Day sale ends. They also strengthen overall brand loyalty.

For example, Flower Knows - a well-known Chinese cosmetic brand, has built a smart membership program on Tmall. They invite customers to join their loyalty program and become their VIP members. The VIP tiers are based on spending levels, with the highest rank, VIP 6, for those spending over 1,000 RMB (about $141).

VIP members receive exclusive rewards such as monthly vouchers, birthday gifts, and access to limited collections, with more valuable rewards for higher tiers. Members also earn points with each purchase - starting at 1 point per RMB for VIP 1-3, increasing to 1.5 points per RMB for VIP 6. These points can be used to exchange free gifts, making the loyalty program even more appealing.

flower knows loyalty program

This attractive program has successfully driven higher customer engagement and repeat purchases for Flower Knows.

What to do on Singles’ Day 2024

  • Launch or enhance your membership program: Launch or enhance your membership program with more attractive benefits and features in preparation for Singles' Day 2024. Ensure that all communications about your membership program clearly outline the benefits.
  • Offer exclusive discounts and rewards: Give your members access to exclusive discounts, coupons, and promotions that non-members cannot access. This sense of exclusivity makes members feel valued and encourages them to shop more frequently, especially during major sales events like the Singles' Day sale.
  • Implement a points-based reward system: Allow members to accumulate points with every purchase, which they can redeem for rewards such as gifts, discounts, or special services. Promote this feature heavily leading up to the Singles' Day sale to incentivize members to make multiple purchases.
  • Personalize member experiences: Use data from your membership program to offer personalized recommendations, tailored discounts, and targeted marketing messages. This can significantly enhance the customer experience and increase conversion rates during Singles' Day 2024.

📚 Related Articles: 3 Expert Ideas to Leverage Website Personalization for Shopify Stores

Recommended apps and gifts

  • BON Loyalty: With BON Loyalty, you can promote post-purchase interaction through a points-based system that offers discounts and rewards high-spending buyers through VIP tiers. This app keeps your customers returning and creates lasting business revenue for you.
    🎁 BON Loyalty offers an exclusive deal of 10% off on all paid plans. Get your discount now.
  • Loloyal: Loloyal is a top Shopify app for loyalty programs. It helps boost customer retention rates and increase sales with powerful loyalty and rewards systems, such as Points, Referrals, Rewards programs, VIP tiers, and Limited-time Offers.
    🎁 Loloyal offers a 50% discount for the first month of all paid plans for FoxEcom customers. Get your discount now.
  • Grovewave: With Growave Loyalty and Rewards, you can build a sustainable loyalty program and start your retention campaign. Loyalty helps you offer loyalty points for every interaction and purchase and VIP tier rewards for high-spending customers.
    🎁 Grovewave offers a lifetime 20% discount on monthly plans for FoxEcom customers. Get your discount now.

Get ready for Singles’ Day sale

Maximizing sales during Singles’ Day 2024 requires a strategic approach that draws on proven tactics from eCommerce giants like Alibaba or JD. Starting early, leveraging live-stream shopping, utilizing AI, gamification and loyalty programs are the key strategies of these giants to capture the attention of millions of eager shoppers and convert them into loyal customers.

By implementing these lessons and preparing your Shopify store with the right tools, like Foxify smart page builder to design and optimize your store design and FoxKit AIO Upsell Cross-sell to boost sales with gamification, you can position your brand for success this Singles’ Day sale.

Adora Nguyen

Content Marketing Executive @FoxEcom

Adora is a seasoned content marketer with a rich background in the B2B and SaaS markets. With her unique blend of a marketer, an entrepreneur and a shopaholic, she offers invaluable insights and strategic solutions to empower businesses to thrive and flourish.