Minimog April ‘23 Update - Faster Set-up with Header and Footer Section Group, Gift Wrap Option, and Age Verifier Pop-up

Minimog April ‘23 Update - Faster Set-up with Header and Footer Section Group, Gift Wrap Option, and Age Verifier Pop-up

Each special holiday is a great chance to increase sales and revenue for your Shopify stores. Setting up a successful sales campaign requires a lot of time and effort. Understanding the difficulty of Shopify merchants, in April, Minimog was updated with some discretionary features to facilitate this process. 

Let’s explore which features can help save your time and sky-rocket your sales on upcoming special occasions (like Father’s Day next month). 

Section Group for Header and Footer makes setting up more flexible and time-saving

On March 28th 2023, Shopify introduced a new feature for Shopify themes called Section Group, which makes sections really everywhere. As a pioneer solution provider, we worked day and night to immediately add this new feature to our Minimog theme in April. 

Before the introduction of the Header and Footer Section Group, Sections Everywhere were not truly everywhere, as you could not add a section or app in the header and footer area of a theme. Now, with this new feature of Minimog, you can add a section to the header and footer with just one click. No more time-consuming code editions and potential bugs!  

Minimog section group

Moreover, added sections are rendered on all pages automatically. This means that you won’t need to add new sections template by template. With just one time adjustment, your newly-designed header and footer can repeat everywhere in your store. 

This feature will streamline the process of redesigning your store for a sale campaign. Imagine, you just need to add a scrolling promotion on the header in the homepage and it will appear on every landing page, product page, collection page, blog post page in your store. How convenient is that?  

Explore the full function of Section Group for Header and Footer now

Achieve higher AOV and better CX with Gift Wrap Option

Do you know that 51% of shoppers hate wrapping gifts so much that they prefer having a professional wrap their gifts? Thus, offering gift wrapping will be a profitable service for your online store, which not only brings out a higher Average Order Value (AOV) but also increases customer satisfaction. In fact, the performance of this service is proven by many Shopify stores. 

With all the alluring benefits of this add-on service, we believe that it’s the desire and demand of many merchants. Hence, in this newest version of Minimog, we add a feature that lets you create an option for gift wrapping service and offer it in the cart page and cart drawer. 

Minimog gift wrapping

Moreover, in some cases, if you just want to use this service to improve customer experience only, this feature also allows you to do it. Simply set the price as $0, and you can offer this free service to upgrade your customers’ shopping experience and increase the chance of repeated purchases in the future.

Let’s learn how to use this feature

Avoid potential legal issues with Age Verifier Popup

The selling of age-restricted goods such as cigarettes, alcohol, prescription drugs, adult content for minors has been illegal for many decades (with some exceptions), and now remains sensitive in many countries. Thus, if your website contains products that are intended for a specific audience group, an age verification is a must-have for your Shopify stores to avoid legal issues down the road. 

To help Shopify sellers avoid these potential legal issues, Minimog now introduces a new feature called “Age Verifier Popup”. This pop-up can be customized to verify age matching with your web content. For example, in stores selling tobacco products, their customers must verify to be not under the age of 18 in the U.S. and 19 in Canada.    

Minimog age verification popup

What makes this feature more special is that when the pop-up appears, all website content will be censored to ensure that unverified visitors can’t look at web content. 

How to add this popup? Learn now

Wrapping up

If you’re preparing for a sale campaign, don’t miss out on the newest version of Minimog. The Section Group for Header & Footer can save you lots of time and effort when redesigning your store for the upcoming plan, while the Gift Wrap Option can help you satisfy customers better and raise AOV. 

And if you are selling age-restricted products, the new popup - Age Verifier will not only give you legal insurance but also give visitors a safer experience.

Minimog 3.4.0 is now offered with an unlimited free trial, so why don’t you give it a try? We are also working hard every day to bring the most wonderful and beneficial features to Shopify merchants, so stay tuned to receive more updates from our team to bloom your business! 

Adora Nguyen

Content Marketing Executive @FoxEcom

Adora is a seasoned content marketer with a rich background in the B2B and SaaS markets. With her unique blend of a marketer, an entrepreneur and a shopaholic, she offers invaluable insights and strategic solutions to empower businesses to thrive and flourish.